Desio Contact Lenses // Caramel Brown

Click the image above to be redirected to my video where I WEAR & TALK about the Caramel Brown lenses(: 

Other contact color reviews: Creamy Beige // Mint Touch (comparison to a different brand)

It's incredibly difficult to find an image that is true to color for Desio contacts; I didn't know what they looked like until I tried them on >.<" but the image below is the most accurate one I've seen after wearing cream beige & caramel brown! 

The lenses in sunlight vs. in a lit room
Although the lenses look orange in the case/container, they are brown in color when worn(:

Overall, I personally like this color much more than the Creamy Beige, it blends in & is the perfect shade of brown(: it's comfortable, and the color just the right amount of bright. I would recommend this to those with dark eyes that want to enhance their brown ♥

After wearing these contacts for about 6 hours, my eyes started burning & watering. I can't wear these contacts all day, even though they're my favorite color out of the three. I might have received a bad batch since my Creamy Beige ones did not do this.

EDIT - Nov. 14, 2015: After bearing with the contacts for about a month, they stopped burning my eyes and I've been able to wear them every day comfortably(: Maybe it takes some breaking into >.< I absolutely looove these contacts, and if there is any color I suggest for dark eyes, it would be caramel brown(:

xoxo ~ juliannemng

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